Products WiredProof Positive Span Cables

Proof Positive Span Cables

P7065PPS-AG & P7102PPS-AG
Product Type

Span & Motor Drops

600V aluminum shielded drain cable specifically designed to power electric motor driven irrigation machines. The cable contains a tracer ID tape and yellow jacket to prove ownership and deter theft. Proof Positive· Cables are traceable, theft-deterrent span and motor drop cables that provides ag dealers and farmers with proof of ownership of their cable:
  • Marker tape contains TraceID codes unique to every three inches
  • Upon sale, ownership data is entered in an online database ( accessible to recyclers & law enforcement
  • Bright markings on the outer jacket provide a visual alert for recyclers and thieves that this is ‘that traceable cable’
  • Recyclers can enter TraceID codes into a database to confirm ownership of suspected stolen cable Law enforcement has physical proof for prosecution
COPPER THEFT EPIDEMIC SOLUTION PROOF POSITIVE® SPAN CABLE Proof Positive· Span Cable is a traceable, theft-deterrent span cable that provides ag dealers and farmers with proof of ownership of their cable:
  • Marker tape contains TraceID codes unique to every three inches
  • Upon sale, ownership data is entered in an online database ( accessible to recyclers & law enforcement
  • Bright markings on the outer jacket provide a visual alert for recyclers and thieves that this is ‘that traceable cable’
  • Recyclers can enter TraceID codes into a database to confirm ownership of suspected stolen cable Law enforcement has physical proof for prosecution
  • AG DEALERS & FARMERS: provides a less costly alternative to video surveillance, spray ontracking, or other alternatives; may also reduce insurance premiums
  • RECYCLERS: makes it easier to identify stolen cable and take action
  • LAW ENFORGEMENT AGENCIES: provides the hard proof needed to prosecute criminals

Proof Positive® Span Cable: How our Solution Works

STEP 1 An ag dealer places an o rder for a reel of Proof Positive® Span Cable with Paige Electric. The order is processed and Southwire manufactures the cable. STEP 2 During the manufacturing process, the license code, a serial number unique to every foot, and website URL are printed on a marker tape that is included with the cable assembly. STEP 3 When the reel is ready to ship from Paige to the purchaser, the license code, serial numbers, and purchasing information are stored in Southwire’s proprietary database (located online at www.2I to identify the rightful owner of each foot of cable sold. The ag dealer repeats this process when he re-sells any length to a farmer so the cha in of ownership is complete. STEP 4 The farmer receives and installs Proof Positive® as they would any standard span cable. STEP 5 If the cable is later stolen from a pivot, it will likely turn up at a recycler. The recycler, who is familiar with Proof Positive®, instantly recognizes the outer jacket, locates’the marker tape and enters the license code and serial number into to find out the rightful owner. Many states have laws or regulations prohibiting recyclers from purchasing burned wire - so this would immediately raise suspicion if the outer jacket was missing. STEP 6 The cable is confirmed not to be the property of the person attempting to recycle it - law enforcement is notified, the thief is prosecuted, and o ne more criminal is removed from the streets.
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